Kenosha and Pleasant Prairie Lawn Services

Lawn Maintenance

Save time by letting Lawn Envy maintain your lawn. Weekly lawn care service always includes trimming, edging, and blowing off the property. Our professional attention to detail will make your lawn the envy of your neighborhood.

Hedge Trimming

Hedge or bush trimming is one of the easiest ways to clean up your landscaping. We will re-shape and clean up your hedges to make your landscaping pop again.

Lawn Envy Kenosha Lawn Aeration

Lawn Aeration

Core aeration is an important step in keeping a thick healthy lawn. Aeration allows air, water and nutrients to get down to your lawns roots and also helps relieve soil compaction. Aeration can be scheduled in the spring or fall.


Over Seeding

Over seeding is the process of applying grass seed to an already existing lawn to help get a thick lush lawn. The best time to over seed a lawn is after a core aeration or power raking service.


Adding fresh mulch to your landscaping can really make your landscaping stand out. Mulch also helps your plants by cooling the soil and keeping the moisture close to the roots. Let us do the hard work so you can relax and enjoy your lawn.

Flower Bed Maintenance

We offer customized flower bed maintenance programs that will keep your landscaping looking fresh all season long. We offer regular weeding, edge redefining, mulch cultivation, and hedge trimming. Relax while we keep your landscaping clean all season long.

Lawn Envy Kenosha Power Raking

Power Raking

Power raking or dethatching is a process of removing the thatch from the top layer of soil. Thatch is grass clippings that have settled and built up. Removing thatch allows water and nutrients to reach the soil faster. Power raking can be scheduled in the spring or the fall.

Lawn Envy Kenosha Spring Clean Up

Spring Clean Up

A spring clean up gets your yard ready so you to enjoy your lawn. We customize your clean up to your needs. We offer leaf clean up, weeding, hedge trimming, flower bed redefining, and mulch cultivation as part of our spring clean up service.

Lawn Envy Kenosha Fall Clean Up

Fall Clean Up

A fall clean up gets your yard ready for winter. We customize your clean up to your needs. We offer leaf clean up, hedge trimming, and perennial flower trimming as part of our fall clean ups.

When neighbors see a healthy, trimmed, aerated, maintained, and clean lawn, it is easy for feelings of envy to surface. Thoughts like, ‘how do they do it,’ or ‘how do they have the time,’ or ‘how can they afford it,’ are all common questions neighbors ask themselves when they see such staggering lawn care and lawn maintenance. That is where ‘Lawn Envy’ comes in. Lawn Envy offers affordable lawn care and maintenance services in the Kenosha and Pleasant Prairie areas with speed, efficiency, and professionalism. Below is a list of services that are bound to make your neighbors ‘envious’ when they see the final results. Click here for a free quote!