Be the Envy of Your Neighborhood With Our Power Raking Services

When it comes to residential Kenosha and Pleasant Prairie power raking services, look no further than Lawn Envy. With our exceptional expertise and attention to detail, we are the ideal choice for all your power raking needs. Whether your home has a small backyard or a sprawling lawn, our team of lawn care professionals are dedicated to providing top-notch service that will leave your lawn looking immaculate. Trust Lawn Envy to give your home’s lawn the care it deserves and envy-worthy results that will make your neighbors green with, well, envy.

Your Spring & Fall Must Have For A Healthy, Beautiful Lawn

  • Power raking is a process that involves using a specialized machine to remove thatch from the lawn. Thatch is a layer of dead grass, leaves, and other organic debris that accumulates on the surface of the soil over time.

  • Power raking helps to improve the health and appearance of the lawn by promoting better air circulation, water absorption, and nutrient uptake. Lawn Envy's team of professionals are trained in using the power raking machine effectively and efficiently.

  • They carefully maneuver the machine across the lawn, gently removing the thatch without causing damage to the grass. By removing the thatch, power raking allows the grass to grow and thrive, resulting in a lush and vibrant lawn.

  • Lawn Envy ensures that their power raking services are performed at the most appropriate times in the spring and fall, when the lawn is actively growing and recovering from seasonal stress. With Lawn Envy's exceptional power raking services, customers can enjoy a healthier and more beautiful lawn.

“Very good value for the money. This is the second year for service. I would recommend Lawn Envy for your lawn services.”

— Adrian Humphreys, Google Review